Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not enough room on the last post.

This is a poppy I did in watercolor. I didn't have enough room on the last post so it gets a post all its own.

Newest paintings and art Nov. 2011

This daisy painting isn't done yet I just wanted to see how it looked in a picture.

The sail boats was fun and I liked using really bright vibrant colors.

This one is a new medium for me. I am trying some new things and this is called Paint Chip Art.

This painting I experimented with a light color wash for the back ground. The rest of the painting was done in blacks, greys, dark greens and blues.

Now this painting is a new contemporary block picture I painted. I just wish I had a better camera so the photo did the painting justice.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Past Paintings

Mesa Arizona Temple

Light house

brown hues watercolor

Blue Water Fall

Blue Tulip

More Paintings that have already been given away.


Here are some more examples of my work. If you like something and would like something similar let me know. I can also do colors that match your decor.

Burst of Daisies

Calla Lillies 1

Calla Lillies 2

Abstract trees

Black and White Pencil Portraits

President Monson

The Scarecrow

I also like to draw with pencil. I usually do black and white portraits. I am still improving and trying to do better and getting the likeness of the person on paper. This picture is the second one I did of this subject. The scarecrow from the wizard of oz. The first one was larger and was giving to my husbands coworker years ago.

3 New Paintings

Maine Lighthouse

Grassy field.

Street Corner in Europe.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Contact at:

This Sunflower painting is for Sale: 35$  Sold

This east coast light house is 30$

Flowers from My garden

I love when the flowers in my garden bloom. The colors and designs are so pretty. It makes me thankful for the beautiful things on this earth, that our Heavenly Father created for us.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


These are all paintings I have done. Most have been given away. I just wanted you to see some of my work to get an idea of what I can do.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Art For Sale

I have decided to start selling my paintings, drawings, and photos. I you see anything you like or would like something similar just different colors, comment and I will contact you. Some items if popular will be offered through bidding. Comment if you like something and we'll see. I like to give my art to others.